What is Maternal Journal?
Image from Amy’s journal, 2018
Maternal Journal uses creative journaling to help restore some balance around the new feelings and challenges we might experience, both physically and emotionally, through pregnancy, birth and new parenthood.
By setting up a regular creative practice, you allow yourself time and space to record and reflect on your experiences – both happy moments and tougher times.
To make it easy, we’ve collaborated with a group of brilliant artists to develop a set of simple journaling guides ranging from writing and drawing to mark-making and collage. It really doesn’t matter if you haven’t journaled before – we are all creative and you will find a style that works for you.
Journaling has long been part of our feminist history and we encourage you to explore this inspiring legacy as a powerful way to support the changes, challenges and creativity of being a mother.
The resources are all free, and we provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up your own Maternal Journal group, and guidance on journaling by yourself.
Why wait? Time to get journaling.
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use it, the more you have”
Watch our short film about Maternal Journal, produced by artist Martim Ramos.