Parenthood can be a challenging time for anyone. Journaling gives us a positive, creative outlet, but it can also bring up strong emotions and feelings.
There are lots of organisations that can help to provide support and connection.
These organisations use creativity to support mental health and wellbeing, like dance, music, writing and visual arts.
Maternal mental health
Cartoon by Kate Evans
Association of Postnatal Illness - advice, support and helpline/live chat
Cultural, Health and Wellbeing Alliance - an organisation that promotes cultural engagement and participation to support health and wellbeing
Heads Together - a campaign to tackle the stigma of mental health
Hub of Hope - find mental health support services in your local area
International Forum for Wellbeing in Pregnancy - information, research and networking.
Maternal Mental Health Alliance - information for mothers and professionals, with help to find support locally.
Pandas Foundation - pre and postnatal depression support for mothers.
Mother and baby
Birth Rights - help, advice and resources to promote human rights in birth
Best Beginnings - resources and information, including the Baby Buddy app.
Bliss - a charity for premature and sick babies with information, resources and a helpline.
Maternity Action - information and advice about rights at work, maternity leave, breastfeeding with a Free Maternity Rights Action Line.
Positive Birth Movement - find a local Positive Birth Group, along with resources and a blog
Pregnant then screwed - legal advice, mentoring and live events about rights for mothers.
Birth and breastfeeding
Image by Kate Evans from Food of Love
Bump: How to Make, Grow and Birth a Baby and The Food of Love: Your Formula for Successful Breastfeeding - Kate Evans
Good Moms have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers - Karen Kleinman, with illustrations by Molly McIntyre
The Positive Birth Book: A new approach to pregnancy, birth and the early weeks - Milli Hill
Breastfeeding Uncovered - Amy Brown
Why Mothering Matters - Maddie McMahon
The Breast Book - Emma Pickett
Arts in health
These organisations use creative approaches like dance, music, writing and visual arts to promote, protect and enhance our mental health and wellbeing.
Image from Amy’s journal, 2018
Arts and Minds – arts and mental health charity delivering arts on prescription
Aesop Marketplace - a comprehensive list of Arts in Health organisations
Breathe Arts – a performing arts initiative in healthcare
Creative Health - The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Report by The All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (making the case for Arts in Health initiatives)
Performing Medicine - building a resilient, caring workforce through arts-based training for health professionals