Training and support


Start your own workshops


Would you like to learn more about Maternal Journal and our format?

We provide bespoke online training for groups of people who want to learn how to use our resources and become Maternal Journal facilitators. Our online toolkit for facilitators is free for everyone to use, but the training is more in depth and gives you a chance to ask questions and try our resources in a supported group.

Training is for groups of up to 20 people in a 3-hour workshop on Zoom and includes a taster journaling session. The training is run by Maternal Journal producer, artist and midwife, Laura Godfrey-Isaacs.

We charge a fee of £350. Certificates of attendance for CPD. can be provided. Please contact us for more details.


illustration by Sophie Blinstrub

What people say

'What an amazing session, thank you, Laura. I wasn't expecting so much emotion to come up; it's really powerful.'

'Thank you so much. I've loved the session and got so much out of the morning.'

'Thank you so much for today. You've given me a lot to think about, and I really enjoyed it.'


Setting up a group

Thinking of setting up your own Maternal Journal group? We have everything you need, including ready-made journaling guides, resources and a toolkit.